lunes, 4 de abril de 2011


Spanish students are really excited with their host families. They don't feel tired because they are quite surprised with many things: the amazing school facilities, the speedy way of chatting English pupils have got... They have no problems related to food or to communication. However, weather, as usual, is cold, is blustering showers.
Today we have been introduced to the headteacher who our students have made many questions about the ruling system of the Bishop Heber school. After that, we have gone for a walk around Malpas admiring the different styles of houses...
Tomorrow: Excursion to Chester.

2 comentarios:

  1. ¿Qué tal se lleva el nuevo horario de mañana y tarde?
    ¿han comentado algo los chicos al pasar por el cementerio, de camino hacia el pueblo desde el Instituto?
    ¡A ver si duran poco los "showers" y mañana no os mojáis en Chester!

  2. Hola Pedro!!!
    Ufff, ya sabes lo agotador que es the English timetable..., pero estamos bien...The weather is being unexpectedly dry and warm...and students are impressed with anything: one of them is the place cementeries are in England.
