sábado, 16 de octubre de 2010


It is near the end of the exchange in Spain for another year and time for a little reflection. I came to Spain to see old friends with new colleagues and I am not sure what I expected. What I got with 21 sociable and amiable students willing to have a go and join in was another wonderful experience. The line of Spanish students with their welcome message said that things might be different this year but the hugs said that it would be the same. The idea of having lunch at the Peral on Sunday was inspirational and set the tone for this week with everyone joining in. The food was delicious and the opportunity for everyone to settle in and get to know new friends was perfect. Monday brought some familiarity for me with the tour of the institute, lessons and going to the meeting with the mayor, and thankfully, the sunnier weather. María José, Eva, Dave and Claire took on their new roles with enthusiasm as did the actors at the Castillio de Doña Berenguela in Bolaños de Calatrava on Wednesday. The talk at the al Corral de Comedias in Almagro was interesting and thought provoking, those poor ladies in their large dresses and the history and views at Parque arqueológico de Alarcos-Calatrava were wonderful. Thursday saw us in lessons finishing decorating our bags and me personally being challenged in a lesson where only Spanish was spoken. The students rose to the task better than I did and were soon chatting away with their Spanish classmates. On Friday we visited the beautiful mosque and palace in Cordoba, and as the sign at the entrance said, the even more beautiful Castillo de Almodóvar. It has been another wonderful visit to Valdepeñas and thank you all for making it so. Hopefully “hasta el año que viene”. Trevor

2 comentarios:

  1. It sounds as if it has been a wonderful exchange with lots of new initiatives and innovations moving it forward and giving it a fresh new look. Am absolutely delighted. All my congratulations and best wishes for the future.

  2. No quiero que se vayan :(

    Espero que podamos seguir haciento esto
    muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuchos años más

